Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbena

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Energetics: Cooling, Drying, Toning

Actions: Carminative (Relieves bloating & flatulence), Antispasmodic (Relaxes spasms & cramps), Anti-Inflammatory

Found in: Lights Out, Happy PeriodHappy Hormones

Native to Chile, Argentina and Peru, Lemon verbena is an intensely-scented herb, whose aroma is both stimulating and relaxing. It traveled from Latin America in the 1700s, becoming known in the western world as a delicious tea, culinary spice, and element in perfumery1. Its fragrant oils help to aid concentration, while also calming and tonifying the nervous system1. Lemon verbena is also known to ease digestive unrest and flatulence, and the herb also provides relaxation to muscular tension1.

  1. Hemphill, J., & Hemphill, R. (1997). What Herb is That?: How to Grow and Use the Culinary Herbs. Stackpole Books.

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